Haven't written text. After the Spring Festival Internet I saw xinhua south land "intends to stoicism" message: "sincerely hope that rabbit years see friends more splendid psalm." Net friend HeFang also wrote: "looking forward to your work!"
Recent not I don't want to creation, is busy no time and no mood to writing. Why? Because my sister is ill, and is very sick. In her hometown in June last year was a brain CT examination, he found that the brain right with large areas of shadow, doctor diagonised that may be brain tumors. Because sister eight years ago had cancers, doctors suspect is cancer cells to spread, suggest she quickly came to Beijing to further examination treatment.
Although hometown of younger sister's encephalopathy hospital doctor make a diagnosis, but my sister is not much sense of self. Plus 2009 September 30, she errands out when suddenly fainted, fell heavily on the ground and lead to right leg femoral neck fractures. Although it has been able to walk, but action is not quite convenient, so don't want to set a doctor.
The stage in Beijing, I have already put everything was ready, and call mobilization to Beijing. She diagnosis Maybe sister body often sick reason, early PiDa the illness, and because her husband just from the mental hospital treatment hospital discharge, spirit is still in the free state, say what all not accompany her to come to Beijing to see a doctor, that I also have to forget about it.
I was on my sister's disease, didn't doctor diagnose so pessimistic, don't think sister is a cancer recurrence. Because she just last year in Beijing made regular review. I still find Chinese cancer hospital experts XieShiLiang the doctor gave her do a special inspection. I was postulate that younger sister's epilepsy seizures, every time when often worse cerebral discharge for brain caused by the shadow. Of course, this is not understand medical and pathology knowledge dilettante I blind conjecture.
Sister often faint in recent years. For example, she is standing there speechless innocent suddenly fell on the ground, we had to help her get up holds to the bed or on a sofa, a few minutes later she can slow over. Remember the day two years ago, she go to the toilet at night when I fell down fainted, the face of ceramic POTS are dragged him to the ground. The results were cast lousy after sharp porcelain slice put her hip pierced rotten, wound like the child's mouth as open, shouldn´ t such trauma, it is need to hospital stitches of treatment. She was seven years old daughter in the mother coma, 120 call an ambulance immediately. But a few minutes awoke, sister and hurry to call and say tell 120 said she doesn't matter, not to let the ambulance took. That lets the daughter, she just got some tampon iodine to wipe with a wound, even if the past. That time I was in my hometown, the next day to see her wound very grieved. Because she was suffering from this disease, peacetime fainted fall often when face and head black and blue.
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